Saturday, 13 April 2013

Tungog Rainforest Eco Camp (TREC)

Tungog Rainforest Eco Camp (TREC)Kinabatangan, Sabah, Malaysian BorneoHidden in meander-belt forest on the fringe of the pristine Tungog Lake, the Tungog Rainforest Eco Camp (or TREC for short) offers a unique insight into the secretive life of a Borneo Rainforest. There are ten live- in observation platforms called “camp-platforms” or “jungle-platforms” with limited accommodation for only 20 eco visitors.  TREC has numerous eco design features built in to ensure zero waste, zero chemicals, a zero energy spreadsheet and maximum water conservation. Staying at the camp supports the lake restoration (Salvinia  removal) and orang-utan habitat restoration projects (Tree planting) through the MESCOT Initiative.  TREC is a birdwatchers paradise. Wild fruit trees surround the eco camp and daily attract up to five species of hornbill, orang-utan, macaques, and a host of other rainforest birds. With a local nature- guide there are more than 18km of forest trails to explore through meander-belt, limestone or fresh-water swamp forests.  Stay at the Tungog Rainforest Eco Camp for your next conservation retreat, research trip or educational project; or simply sit-back on a “camp platform” and absorb the smells, sights, and sounds of the Borneon Rainforest. For more information contact KOPEL Office.


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